The encounter between a jaguar and a defenseless puppy is giving a lot to talk about in the networks

This was the case with a huge jaguar named Jag. Rescuers from Akwaaba Lodge in South Africa found him when he was just a couple of days old.
The poor feline was completely alone and it was evident that he needed protection.
The jaguar is a solitary animal, adults usually only meet for courtship and mating.

In the world, it is only surpassed in size by two of its relatives – tigers and lions.
Luckily, this organization specializes in wild animals and they had everything they needed to give Jag much-needed care.
Contrary to what they expected, the beautiful feline turned out to be very sociable and friendly.
There have been anecdotal cases of socialization

He showed his rescuers how happy and grateful he was. Jag forged a very special relationship with his human of hers and when he was little he even slept in the same bed next to her to wake her up every so often and ask her for a well-deserved bottle.
Its roar often resembles a repetitive cough; they can also vocalize meows and growls

She gave him all the love in the world but knew that the time was coming when Jag would grow up and must start living in the larger enclosures of the sanctuary.
What worried him most was knowing that the sweet feline was very social and he did not want to leave him there completely alone .
Being a strict carnivore, it is a solitary and opportunistic hunter and its diet encompasses more than 80 different species.

It was then that it occurred to him to introduce him to his puppy: Bullet.
This sweet furry boy was also very friendly and despite his innate nature as a hunter, the rescuer imagined that they could become great friends.
It prefers large prey, such as tapirs, peccaries and deer, but it also hunts alligators and anacondas and does not rule out feeding on frogs, birds or fish.

The result was much better than they had expected. After only a couple of hours, Jag seemed like Bullet’s best friend.
They could spend the whole day playing and running around the sanctuary.
In some areas of their natural habitat, some specimens can specialize in capturing domestic animals.

The jaguar enjoyed his puppy years with the best possible friend, but as he continued to grow, the rescuers feared that the feline would harm him .
When the time came, they tried to start separating them but the result left them in shock.

Jag cried nonstop every time they tried to separate him from Bullet. The poor feline felt very lonely and did nothing but squeal and lie down waiting for his sweet friend. But to his amazement, the puppy was not far behind.
They fought to keep him away but he ran away whenever he could to get back to the jaguar and continue their long play sessions.
There was no other option but to resign: Bullet and Jag were destined to be great friends and share as much as possible.
Despite his enormous size, Jag always treats his good friend Bullet very delicately, and the furry one seems to be the leader of this curious friendship that has bewildered and enamored so many people.