Rosie Phelps-Goggin, 40, and husband Brad, 45, were told she would need IVF after docs saw a womb problem.
But Genevieve, Constance and Avangeline arrived from one egg at 200million to one odds.
Rosie said: “Midwives always say that each pregnancy is different but there was something very different about this pregnancy. I was so exhausted that by mid-afternoon each day that I needed to lie down for a rest. “
“Also having barely showed until five months with my first pregnancy I felt my bump start to appear within weeks.
“The sonographer kept the screen tilted away from view and she let out a concerning groan as she leant into the screen to take a closer look.
The sonographer to turn round and announce that ‘its not one baby, it’s three!’”
Rosie added: “It has been a rollercoaster of a journey so far.”
“My smallest triplet, Connie stopped breathing at home and was resuscitated by a NICU nurse who just happened to be doing a home visit at the time. “
“Also Ava was diagnosed with a rare condition called Goldenhar Syndrome and had successful facial reconstructive surgery last month.
Despite these early challenges the girls are thriving and are happy, healthy babies.